È davvero vuoto qui... questo utente non ha ancora caricato una descrizione. Magari torna a controllare più tardi oggi!



2 year(s) ago

The biggest waste of time in human history was to read such despicable comment from someone who hasn't been taught good manners. This product is a freeware, nothing was charged from you to use it. Yes, the animation of the passengers is not the best in the world, so what? I don't know the developer and I don't know if he's / she's doing this addon all alone, but being myself a developer too, I know how hard it is to develop a product even a small one that seems easy to the eyes of others. No matter what this is not a reason to insult someone else's work like you did, nor insulting the x-plane.to platform.

Before speaking next time, think first how hard it is actually to develop something, put yourself in your shoes (you know, that thing we call empathy), maybe you'll learn good manners in the same process and be more supportive to developers that try to bring to you addons to enhance your flight journey!

To the dev of this very addon, good job man, love it personally! Keep it up! (It works better than GSX for MSFS on my pc, no kidding)